By custom, the fair is opened by the mayor who holds a pig or ox roast before the opening. The mayor is then led around the fair by the master of the mop, and the mayor chooses a ride for funfair to go on. On the first morning of the fair, local children can enjoy the equipment free of charge. A week later a smaller fair called the Runaway Mop is held.
History of the Stratford Mop Fair
The Stratford Mop was first granted a royal charter by Edward V1 in 1544 with further charters by James I and Charles II in 1611 and 1676 respectively. The 1676 charter provided for mops or fairs to be held "...within and through all places Streets Lanes Alleys and Fields in the said Borough (Stratford upon Avon)".
Mop fairs were originally fairs where workers hired themselves out to employers for the next 12 months. The workers would indicate their skill by carrying or wearing an item - a shepherd would carry his crook or a lock of wool; a labourer would carry a piece of plaited hay; waggoners wore whipcord in their hats, and maidservants would have mops or brooms. Once hired, a worker would remove the item and wear bright ribbons instead. Those who were offered a job would be paid a retainer which they would spend on food, drink and games at the fair. The Runaway Mop was held the following week for employers who found they had made a poor choice to re-hire staff.
Only a handful of English towns still hold a mop fair, and it is unlikely that many of the visitors are aware of the traditional reason for them being held. But the uniqueness of the experience at Stratford combining the thrill of the rides surrounded by Tudor style half-timbered houses, means that a great day out is on the cards for everyone.
For attractions, events and hotels in Stratford Upon Avon, see the website.
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